Saturday Snooooooooze

I’m spent. It’s freezing cold and I spent two hours of my morning running in preparation for the Race Around the Bay.

Since then I’ve been immersed in computer work with little time for leather. By Monday however, I will (fingers crossed) have version 2.0 of my Navy Blues Belt and a new guitar strap [...]

Necklace Love

Here are some of the necklaces I’ve been working on recently.

First up is the Lovebug Necklace – a sapphire blue pincher bug on a vintage copper chain. I’ve been trying not to sell things lately (genius marketing strategy, no?) because I want to have a load of stuff for Hillside next weekend, but I [...]

200th Post

Welcome to post # 200! Starring my kitchen table as background!

Not really that exciting. So on to business…

Only two of the below cuffs are new (the green and the light brown with turquoise and eggplant liners respectively), but I like the look of them all together like that.


Bad Blogger

I’m like a boyfriend chock full of empty promises sometimes, aren’t I? Tomorrow baby, I promise – tomorrow I’ll post pictures, just give me one more chance and I swear it…

Seriously though, I’m getting stuff done. It’s just that I have no proof because I run out of sun to photograph every day. It’s [...]

Hillside Prep

A couple more pieces for Hillside Inside.

First up – a wallet with Guelph’s Mustang Drive-In tooled on to the front. Following that, Guelph’s Albion Hotel.

Also, a pair of coloured cuffs.

Sorry for the boring post, but I have a mile-long list of errands/efforts/etc. today [...]