Break time

Hope everyone is having a great holiday.

I’m drinking lots of warm things and wearing layers of wool and resolving to become a better knitter because I’d like to stop paying for the layers of wool.

Also, a custom order I did recently sparked some interest so I’m going to make more (including smaller ones [...]

Send in the brass

All necklaces. All the time.

Ok, not all the time. But definitely today, starting with the Rockies necklace…

The Laurel necklace…

A variation on the Laurel…

The Mike Myers necklace…

And the Hoser…

They’re all heading to Toronto with me tomorrow for City of Craft. See you there?


Head over hides in love

Some new patterns get me super excited and tripping over my own two feet – this is one of them.

It’s really simple and made of the most beautiful brown leather and outfitted with solid hardware and I can’t stop making it.

I started with just a pencil case…

…then I thought, this would [...]

Leaf me alone. I’m sleeping.

Next week I’m going to post pictures of the some of the more recent things I’ve been working on for Christmas shows like Halifax and City of Craft.

Today though, I’m quite psyched to show off what someone else has been working on – the most magnificent quilt you ever saw.

Sean’s Grandma has [...]

Two bits

Two new unrelated things.

First, I’ve got a story in The Walrus this winter. It’s about Canada and it’s about comic books. If you have an interest in both/either, pick up their double winter issue and hopefully you’ll like the piece. The story I wrote about blew my mind to bits when I first heard [...]