CBC…that’s all I gotta say

Check it out – I’m (kind of) on CBC.

Jen Williams’ Whitehorse shop, The Collective Good, opened up recently and she name checked Crown Land Goods in an interview that makes her sound like an old pro at radio.

My heart is melting!


Up the wazoo!

It’s really a pretty awesome problem to have, but it means I probably won’t be posting anything until Tuesday.

It also means that once all this writing’s off my plate, I’m going on a reading bender with an assist from CBC. Hopefully it’ll be better than last year. 2009 was a fantastic [...]

It’s an upset!

What an ending.

In other news, last night’s Crawl was a wet one. I completely forgot I had my camera with me until it was too late, so all of these are from The Brain at the end of the night. More Crawl than Art.

There is a little art by Christie Sealey – probably [...]

More X-mas Goodies

Don’t tell the CBC, but I snagged one of their old-school logos and silk-screened it on to a shirt for Sean. Sorry CBC – I love you, but I don’t have $40 to drop on a T-shirt. What I have is more like $6 and 40 minutes.

Below that are three little guys I made [...]

No Sight for Sore Eyes

I know this page is boring as hell because there hasn’t been anything to look at lately, but I promise, promise, promise there will be so much to see so soon you will be sick with oversight!

Pictures and further explanations in the coming days…

In the meantime, might I suggest reading up on some [...]