Home from the hunt


Start to Finish

Some shots of the earrings I worked on last week – part of my Dryden collection of cradle-to-grave goods.

I’ll drop these in the shop sometime tomorrow afternoon.


Done and Done

Where did I leave off with this? Oiling I think, right? Right.

I tried to sand the hide down four days after oiling, but there were still too many spots where the oil hadn’t dried and the sanding process was a little gummy when it was supposed to be more flaky.

I let it sit [...]

The Dryden Droplet

Another antler piece.

I love how simple this one is. Like a single pearl strung on a chain, only for the girl who likes to mix a little grit with her glamour (have you noticed yet how much Amy adores alliteration? Have I made that joke before? Probably, but it is the best poetic device [...]